Our Bylaws

Photos by Michael Eric Bérubé

All Board Members and Participants at MP&ASA Events, Shall follow the Mission of this organization with integrity, inclusiveness and respect for all.

Board of Directors

  1. MP&ASA, also known as the Maine Pagan Alliance, shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Maine Pagans/Polythiests/Nature-based Traditions and Others who have an interest in supporting our Maine Pagan and Alternative Spiritual Community.
  2. The Board of Directors will be comprised of these Executive Officers: President, Treasurer and Secretary, per Maine law. A minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen seats are available on the Board of Directors.Board Directors at Large, either Nominated or self nominated to the Board, shall make up the remainder of available positions on the Board. Serving three years.
  3. The Executive Board (President, Treasurer, Secretary) is responsible for decision making and day to day operations between biannual meetings.
    Including financial, legal filings and addressing things that arise between biannual meetings.

Executive Board Officers shall voted in, serving for terms of three years, corresponding to the Annual Meeting date, to be held in September. Resignations from the board should be emailed to any member of the Executive Board, and read into the next meetings minutes to finalize the resignation.

Any Board Member/Executive Officer may be removed from office by a vote of quorum of the Board, or lack of communication with the organization for more than six months.

Meetings There shall be two meetings per year of the full Board. One in September and one in March dates to be established by Executive Board. Meetings may also be called by any board member when needed. Meetings shall be run on Robert’s Rules of Order.